Monday, December 31, 2007
Happy 2008!

Sunday, December 30, 2007
Dumb Fascists

"There were more Pakistanis who illegally crossed the border than of any other nationality except for those immediately south of our border, 660 last year," he said. "That's a lot of illegals from Pakistan who came into our country illegally because we don't have secure borders."
In an editorial Saturday, the Washington Post criticized his comment: "The cynicism of this attempt to connect Pakistan's crisis with an anti-immigrant sentiment was compounded by its astonishing senselessness."
Huckabee acknowledged to NBC that the numbers he cited were not precise, but he maintained that his point remains valid.
"We're talking about the potential of a person who can come across this border with a dirty bomb in his suitcase, somebody who can come across our borders who might be bringing a shoulder-fired missile. And if we don't have better control of our borders, it does affect the people in Iowa and the rest of America."
But ignorance of Pakistan's travails may not necessarily prove damaging to a candidate's political aspirations. In 1999, shortly after Musharraf seized power in a bloodless coup, a Boston television reporter asked a U.S. presidential candidate if he could name the general in charge.
"A new Pakistani general has just been elected," the candidate responded, then corrected himself. "He's not elected. This guy took over office. He appears he's going to bring stability to the country, and I think that's good news for the subcontinent."
Thursday, December 27, 2007
Assassination...the coward's solution
Monday, December 24, 2007
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!
Friday, December 21, 2007
FINALLY (sarcasm)....the 2007 Blackburn Report!

Give it to 'em, Dems!

Last Roll Call before Christmas...no surprises from Blackburn

Rep. Marsha Blackburn voted NO
Porno-licious Annie
You let 'em have it, Arnold

California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger says the state will sue the federal government.
Environmental Protection Agency chief Stephen Johnson announced the decision Wednesday, refusing the state's request for a waiver that would have allowed it to cut emissions faster than a new federal plan the president signed into law Wednesday.
"It's another example of the administration's failure to treat global warming with the seriousness that it actually demands," the governor said at a news conference Thursday.
Forgot to add this anti-environment bit from M.M.

Blackburn...back to anger and keepin' Tennessee po'

Blasts Democrat Leadership for going home with vital work undone on Sales Tax Deductibility
Washington, Dec 19 -
As American families prepare for the Holiday season and begin to plan for the New Year, Congressman Marsha Blackburn applauded Republican leadership in passing tax fairness for working Americans, vital healthcare funding for Tennessee children, and partial DSH payment for Tennessee hospitals without a tax increase. Blackburn questions Democrat Leadership's commitment to extending Tennessee's sales tax deductibility.
"After more than eleven months of broken promises, politically-motivated votes and brinksmanship by the Democrat Leadership, I am pleased that Congress was able to provide this critical relief for working Tennesseans."
"Tennessee families can enjoy the holiday season with the full understanding that for the coming fiscal year, the long arm of the Internal Revenue Service's Alternative Minimum Tax (AMT) will not extend any further. By stripping out tax increases insisted upon by the Democrat Leadership, House and Senate Republicans were able to pass clean legislation to prevent additional working class families from paying the AMT, which would have hit an additional 23 million American families in the coming year. "
"At the same time, I am equally pleased that Congress finally took action to hold off a pending collapse of the SCHIP system by passing legislation that fully funds the program, provides physicians a .5% payment increase through Medicare, and critical Medicaid DSH payments for Tennessee hospitals until June 30, 2008."
Blackburn blasted Democrat Leaders for returning home for the Holidays without extending the sales tax deductibility that is worth billions for Tennessee families each year.
"While Speaker Pelosi and her colleagues on the coast may not be interested in providing tax relief for Tennessee families who do not pay a state income tax, it is shameful to leave town while Tennessee families are at risk. I hope the Majority returns to Washington in a spirit to negotiate a solution that permanently delivers sales tax deductibility for Tennesseans."
Thursday, December 20, 2007
More Annie on Huckabee
As I mentioned in my previous post about her distaste for Gov. Huckabee...HE'S A LIBERAL IN DISGUISE!!! AAAHHHHH!!!!
Updates from the Tennessee Democratic Party

Tennessee's senior Senator continued pushing a project of special personal interest this week during Senate debate on the energy legislation (H.R. 6). Senator Lamar Alexander attempted to pass an amendment to eliminate tax credits for alternative wind energy.
The amendment (S. Amendment 3353) was opposed by both Democrats and Republicans across the ideological spectrum from Sen. Ted Kennedy (D-MA) to Sens. Bob Corker (R-TN) and Larry Craig (R-ID). The measure ultimately failed by a 79-14 vote.
The speculation that Sen. Alexander has opposed windmills for personal reasons has surfaced in the past. A Senior Policy Scientist at the Center for Energy and Environmental Policy at the University of Delaware Willette Kempton said in 2005, "The level of ignorance in Sen. Alexander's speech is remarkable." This time Alexander opposed windmills for, of all reasons, the way they look.
U.S. Representative Marsha Blackburn (R-Brentwood) spoke on the House floor this week noting that the House Omnibus bill weighed 35 lbs and was filled with too much pork. What she did not mention was that it included her own pork project sending $784,000 for horticultural research in Appalachia at the University of Tennessee.
Luckily, Tennesseans of the 7th Congressional District have a Congressperson who will take the time to literally weigh the omnibus bill, take a taxpayer-funded trip to Brazil, and grandstand on the House floor.
If Democrats Didn't Have any Brains...
December 19, 2007
Despite the overwhelming popular demand for another column on Ron Radosh's review of Stan Evans' book, this week's column will address the urgent matter of evangelical Christians getting blamed for Mike Huckabee.
To paraphrase the Jews, this is "bad for the evangelicals."
As far as I can tell, it's mostly secular liberals swooning over Huckabee. Liberals adore Huckabee because he fits their image of what an evangelical should be: stupid and easily led.
The media are transfixed by the fact that Huckabee says he doesn't believe in evolution. Neither do I, for reasons detailed in approximately one-third of my No. 1 New York Times best-selling book, Godless: The Church of Liberalism.
I went on a massive book tour for Godless just last year, including a boffo opening interview with Matt Lauer on NBC's "Today," a one-on-one, full-hour interview with Chris Matthews on "Hardball," and various other hostile interviews from the organs of establishmentarian opinion.
But I didn't get a single question from them on the topic of one-third of my book.
If the mainstream media are burning with curiosity about what critics of Darwinism have to say, how about asking me? I can also name any number of mathematicians, scientists and authors who have rejected Darwin's discredited theory and would be happy to rap with them about it.
But they won't ask us, because, unlike the cornpone, we won't immediately collapse under gentle questioning. It's one thing to be "easily led" by the pope. Huckabee is easily led by Larry King.
Asked on CNN's "Larry King Live" Monday night about his beliefs on evolution, Huckabee rushed to assure King that he has no interest in altering textbooks that foist this fraud on innocent schoolchildren. I don't understand that. Does Huckabee believe Darwinism is a hoax or not? If he knows it's a fraud, then why does he want it taught to schoolchildren?
What other discredited mystery religions -- as mathematician David Berlinski calls Darwinism -- does Huckabee want to teach children? Sorcery? Phrenology? Alchemy?
Admittedly, the truth about Darwinism would be jarring in textbooks that promote other frauds and hoaxes, such as "man-made global warming." Why confuse the little tykes with fact-based textbooks?
Huckabee immediately dropped his alleged skepticism of Darwinism and turned to his main goal as president of the United States: teaching children more art and music. This, he said, was his "passion" because "I think our education system is failing kids because we're not touching the right side of the brain -- the creative side. We are focusing on the left side."
I think I know someone who has just read an article in Reader's Digest about left brain/right brain differences!
When not evolving his position on Darwinism, Huckabee insults gays by pointlessly citing the Bible's rather pointed remarks about sodomy -- fitting the MSM's image of evangelicals sitting around all day denouncing gays. (Which is just so unfair. I'm usually done denouncing gays by 10:30 a.m., 11 tops.)
And yet, Huckabee has said he agrees with the Supreme Court's lunatic opinion that sodomy is a constitutional right.
In the 2003 decision Lawrence v. Texas, the Supreme Court overruled Bowers v. Hardwick, a case only 17 years old (and with a name chosen by God) -- despite the allegedly hallowed principle of "stare decisis." As explained in Godless, stare decisis means: "What's mine is mine and what's yours is negotiable."
Justice Anthony Kennedy's majority opinion in Lawrence was so insane that the lower courts completely ignored it. Since then, courts have disregarded Lawrence in order to uphold state laws banning the sale of vibrators, restricting gays' rights to adopt, prohibiting people from having sex with their adult ex-stepchildren, and various other basic human rights specifically mentioned in our Constitution.
Lawrence was promptly denounced not only by Republican governors and Christian groups across the nation, but also by anyone with sufficient reading comprehension skills to see that the Constitution says nothing about a right to sodomy.
But when Huckabee was asked about this jaw-dropping ruling from the high court, he said the majority opinion "probably was appropriate."
He made these remarks on his monthly radio show, "Ask the Governor," as was widely reported at the time, including a July 3, 2003, Arkansas Democrat-Gazette article titled, "Huckabee Says Sex Lives of Adults Not State Affair." I stress that "Ask the Governor" was not a wacky, comedy-based, morning zoo-type radio program. It was supposed to be serious.
Employing the ACLU's "any law I don't like is unconstitutional" test, Huckabee said he supported the court's decision because a law "that prohibited private behavior among adults" would be difficult to enforce. Next he'll be telling us which of the Ten Commandments he considers "nonstarters."
How about adults who privately operate meth labs? How about a private contract between an employer and employee for a salary less than the minimum wage?
Hey! How about adults privately smoking cigarettes in their homes? Nope, Huckabee wants a federal law banning smoking but thinks state laws banning sodomy are "probably" unconstitutional.
Justice Antonin Scalia wrote a spirited dissent in Lawrence, joined by Justices William Rehnquist and Clarence Thomas, raising the somewhat embarrassing point that homosexual sodomy is not technically mentioned in the Constitution. Otherwise, our Founding Fathers would have been our "Founding Life Partners."
Scalia said that inasmuch as the Texas law furthered "the same interest furthered by criminal laws against fornication, bigamy, adultery, adult incest, bestiality and obscenity," the court's ruling placed all these laws in jeopardy.
Most important, Scalia said: "Today's opinion dismantles the structure of constitutional law that has permitted a distinction to be made between heterosexual and homosexual unions." At least no court has tried to legalize gay marriage since that 2003 ruling, so we can be grateful for -- Hey, wait a minute!
Huckabee claims he opposes gay marriage and says Scalia is his favorite justice, but he supports a Supreme Court decision denounced by Scalia for paving the way to a "constitutional right" to gay marriage. I guess Huckabee is one of those pro-sodomy, pro-gay marriage, pro-evolution evangelical Christians.
No wonder Huckabee is the evangelical liberals like.
I was stupid enough to think that Annie Coultergeist meant that Huckabee was Liberals' favorite because he's not electable. Turns out, according to the Coultergeist, the most conservative is the most liberal. I guess she'd only be happy if SHE was one of the fascist candidates.
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
A few Fascists' quotes re: civil rights
– Mike Huckabee
“It’s the acts, it’s the various acts that people perform that are sinful”
– Rudolph Giuliani on homosexuality
“I don't want civil unions or gay marriage.” – Mitt Romney
And what do ya know?...another hate amendment up for vote in '08...
Florida to vote on anti-gay marriage amendment in November 2008
December 13, 2007
Florida voters will have to chance to vote on how the state defines marriage after state officials confirmed today that anti-gay marriage groups have secured the required 611,089 signatures to place an amendment banning same-sex marriage on the November 2008 ballot. The efforts by conservatives to place a marriage amendment on the ballot are not new (gay marriage opponents tried unsuccessfully to place a marriage amendment on the ballot in 2006) and have been vigorously opposed by marriage equality supporters, including Equality Florida and the bipartisan Florida Red and Blue.
Florida Governor Charlie Crist (R) has signed the petition, although he has condemned the state GOP - which is the primary financial backer of the group advancing the anti-gay signature campaign - for spending money to place the amendment on the ballot.
Constitutional amendments in Florida require 60% of the vote to pass.
Once again, the GOP displaying its "compassionate conservatism (fascism)".
Pro-war Marsha speaks out

Tuesday, December 18, 2007
The fat (anorexic) lady sang
More M. Malkin....boy, do I need a rest!

Under one scenario being circulated in Democratic circles, the 90-year-old Byrd would be named “chairman emeritus,” and Sen. Patty Murray (D-Wash.) would become “acting chairwoman” for the remainder of the 110th Congress.
Democratic insiders caution, though, that no decision has been made.
Bill-O: Keep religion where?

Monday, December 17, 2007
M. Malkin with her head in the sand...again

Mild Bill-O tonight
PS. We've defeated Al-Qaeda in Iraq. Bill-O confirmed that, so it's true.
Next, Bill-O compares Romney and Huckabee with the NE Patriots and the NY Jets. I find that amusing.
Finally, Bill-O viewers favor Huckabee as their GOP candidate (big surprise). Now he's calling for a poll of favored Democratic candidates. My guess is that it will be Rudy Giuliani...probably 2 votes to 1 vote. No no....FOX News is fair and balanced, remember?!!
Recent Middle Tennessee Roll Call

Sunday, December 16, 2007
If it walks like an elephant, and talks like an elephant

The Lieberman aide insists the senator does not see this as a "commentary on or an endorsement of the Republican party, only the person."
I've sent this person's bumper sticker ideas in an email before...

Keep bashing...
but I swear I can smell Annie and Sean's fear of Hill'...hate to break it to y'all, but it's only gonna get SCARIER! Now it's really time for Annie to get her gun, HA!
Let's get down to it

Rudy Giuliani on why his mistress Judith Nathan needed police protection: "These were all based upon threat assessments made by the New York City Police Department ... of what was necessary to protect her life, my life, other people's lives. Every single thing done here was done based upon the assessment of someone else that this was necessary." The problem, according to the New York Daily News, is that Nathan was protected by taxpayers months before the affair was revealed in May 2000.
Fred Thompson seeking some love: "Can I have a round of applause?" That remark, according to the New York Times drew a "rustle of clapping and some laughter." The sad thing is that this remark in October has been the highlight of the Tennessee Republican's moribund campaign.
President Bush on Iran's non-existent nuclear threat: "I've told people that if you're interested in avoiding World War III, it seems like you ought to be interested in preventing them (Iran) from having the knowledge necessary to make a nuclear weapon." That was October 18. In December, the Administration said intelligence showed that Iran had quit its nuclear program in 2003.
Friday, December 14, 2007
Taking this as a joke...
To All My Democrat Friends:
Please accept with no obligation, implied or implicit, my best wishesfor an environmentally conscious, socially responsible, low-stress,non-addictive, gender-neutral celebration of the winter solsticeholiday, practiced within the most enjoyable traditions of the religiouspersuasion of your choice, or secular practices of your choice, withrespect for the religious/secular persuasion and/or traditions ofothers, or their choice not to practice religious or secular traditionsat all. I also wish you a fiscally successful, personally fulfilling andmedically uncomplicated recognition of the onset of the generallyaccepted calendar year 2007, but not without due respect for thecalendars of choice of other cultures whose contributions to societyhave helped make America great. Not to imply that America is necessarilygreater than any other country nor the only America in the WesternHemisphere. Also, this wish is made without regard to the race, creed,color, age, physical ability, religious faith or sexual preference ofthe wishee.
To My Republican Friends:
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
Ahh tolerance...what a funny thing to think about around Christmas time.
Thursday, December 13, 2007
Seems like M. Malkin has been quite interesting recently

You decide...M. Malkin, or educated GOP candidates?

As I noted yesterday, the rest of the leading GOP candidates’ responses to Schoolmarm’s global warming query demonstrate a rather disturbing greening of the party. And not just mild green. But bright, neon, Gore green. Total enviro-nitwit-ization. Can these guys really belong to the same party as stalwart, anti-fearmonger Sen. Jim Inhofe? Have they not been briefed on NASA’s shenanigans? Like John Stossel says: “What you think you know may not be so.”
FYI...oil companies don't have enough money
Y'all Come...
Since it's in my profile, thought I'd give y'all a clip of one of my favorite Grand Ole Opry songs.
Kinda send a message to everyone about my blog! You all come and see us now and then!
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
Annie = pathetic, plus more McCarthyism

Malkin mad again and Freddie shows his stupidity

Thompson objects to hand shows. (Applause).
The format blows up. Everyone’s talking. Anarchy! Yes! The schoolmarm’s feathers are ruffled. McCain: I’ve been involved in this issue since 2000. I know that climate change is real.
Giuliani: I agree with John. It’s real and it’s because of humans. I think our party should embrace this.
Romney: Get off of foreign oil. You can help environment and economy. Is it an issue for the world? Absolutely. Let’s not have the rest of the world skate by, though. It’s global warming, not America warming.
Keyes: Who represents overlooked voices? Betrayal of sovereignty. Bashes elites. He’s maaaad. The schoolmarm is madder.
My position on global warming? Control the hot air of the politicians in Washington!
Oprah might be coming my way :)
As soon as Oprah Winfrey endorsed Sen. Barack Obama, D-Ill., for president, the buzz began about her potential to sway an election.
In an exclusive interview with ABC News’ Diane Sawyer, the media mogul seemed to downplay the power behind her seal of approval, saying that just because she is supporting Obama doesn’t mean she is against any other candidate.
“I’ve always said this, that my being in support of Barack Obama is not my being against Hillary Clinton or anybody else,” Winfrey said. “It’s just that for this moment in time, this is what I know I am supposed to be doing. I feel compelled to do this. So my vote for is not a vote against anybody. It’s just a vote for.”
Winfrey said she hasn’t talked to Clinton since her Obama endorsement, but she left open the possibility of changing her mind down the road.
“Well obviously, Obama’s great because I’m believing that the person that I’m speaking up for is gonna take it all the way,” Winfrey said. “And then if that doesn’t happen, I might readjust my thinking.”
Hillary '08!!!
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
Colorado murders due to secular Progressives
It is hard not to draw a line between the hostility that is being fomented in our culture from some in the secular media toward Christians and evangelicals in particular and the acts of violence that took place in Colorado yesterday. But I will say no more for now other than that our friends at New Life Church and YWAM are in our thoughts and prayers.
AKA...Liberals = murder. Makes...ummm....sense....? I....think....no.
Fellow Tennessean gets a flavor of Norway
Let's recap...
I posted awhile ago about Marsha's speech about 'criminal' illegal immigrants on the House floor, and commented on it on youtube:
gbsuber: FEAR! FEAR! FEAR! That's the only way to go these days!
In response, I got this...
BIGPOTDAVE: Im afraid of illegal aliens and their big nasty pointy teeth.
That and the diseases they drag with them on their way to steal my tax dollars, destroy our hospitals, flood our courts, drive drunk on our roads, and rape our children. I'm afraid!
Hilarious and extremely sad at the same time
It's states' rights, stupid!

More Blackburn stupidity

Monday, December 10, 2007
Best Sellers Update
Sick: Huckabee refuses to recant his remarks about AIDS patients
Huckabee's presidency (God forbid) = fascism, intolerance, stupidity, hate, etc etc etc.
PS....the only Republican candidate who doesn't believe in evolution.
Sunday, December 9, 2007
Some quotes to end/start the week

Adding another 'gross'

Again, courtesy of Mrs. Malkin in her attack on Planned Parenthood. Watch out women who've made mistakes, or are victims of rape or incest. M. Malkin will find you and sprinkle some of her magic, fascist sprinkle dust on you! (That dust being the remains of civil liberties and a woman's right to choose in America.)
Support 'em:
Planned Parenthood Federation of America
NARAL Pro-choice America
Saturday, December 8, 2007
Gross...from former Gov. Ar-kansas
As a candidate for a U.S. Senate seat in 1992, Huckabee answered 229 questions submitted to him by The Associated Press. Besides a quarantine, Huckabee suggested that Hollywood celebrities fund AIDS research from their own pockets, rather than federal health agencies.
“If the federal government is truly serious about doing something with the AIDS virus, we need to take steps that would isolate the carriers of this plague,” Huckabee wrote.
“It is difficult to understand the public policy towards AIDS. It is the first time in the history of civilization in which the carriers of a genuine plague have not been isolated from the general population, and in which this deadly disease for which there is no cure is being treated as a civil rights issue instead of the true health crisis it represents.”
This is the man who's leading in Iowa?...I'll say it again...disgusting.
There's a certain fascist symbol...
Friday, December 7, 2007
Thursday, December 6, 2007
Bill-O on the Princess Diana tragedy
Wednesday, December 5, 2007
Follow up to HERITAGE, NOT HATE!!!

Thompson's recent comments on the Confederate flag drew protests Wednesday.
Clad in jackets bearing the stars-and-bars and holding signs reading "South Carolina hates Fred Thompson" and "Fred Thompson go home," the protesters said Thompson was not a "true southerner."
Jim Hanks, chairman of the South Carolina League of the South, said Thompson that Thompson's answer was worse than Romney's because Thompson is from a southern state.
Asked about the flag during last week's debate, Thompson said that, "as far as a public place is concerned, I am glad that people have made the decision not to display it as a prominent flag, symbolic of something, at a state capital."
But the former Senator from Tennessee qualified his statement: "As a part of a group of flags or something of that nature, you know, honoring various service people at different times in different parts of the country, I think that's different."
The Confederate flag on display at the South Carolina state house waves next to the Confederate soldier monument there.
Champion of the taxpayers???
U.S. Rep. Marsha Blackburn (R-Brentwood) arrived stateside last week after a government-funded "ethanol fact-finding mission" which included military jet travel to Brazil, touring in the colonial-era city of Salvador, and an evening in the Airau Amazon Towers hotel.
The Congressman has proposed 5% across the board cuts to "non-defense, non-homeland security discretionary spending for fiscal year 2007."[2]
The federally-funded travel excursion included a number of lavish details including a "spouse program coordinator" for all of the spouses of the House International Relations subcommittee on Latin America. Rep. Blackburn's trip at taxpayer's expense on a military jet for her and her husband to beautiful Brazil certainly taught her more about ethanol than a trip to Iowa could provide. On second thought, we don't want her going to Iowa; she might think she has a shot at the presidency.
Interesting...I wonder what kind of form letter I'd get in response to this?
Tackling hate crimes

Let's stoke them fires of hate

As this blog was linked to Annie (get-your-gun) Coulter's website, I'm guessing NO. Whoever this chick is running this blog also mentioned the University of Florida again. I'm not gonna touch that one (cough cough b*tch).
PS. The Washington Times? HAHAHA!!!
Can you believe it? Marsha and I don't see eye to eye again!

Dig away, Marsha

What a pleasure to hear from you. Thank you for contacting me to share your concerns about drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR). Hearing from constituents on issues of concern is important to both our office and me as we work to represent our district.
As you are aware, it has been suggested that our nation needs to reduce dependence on foreign oil by increasing domestic production and investing in the development of alternative fuel sources. In particular, some have proposed that the ANWR be opened to oil exploration. This is a position which has long been advocated by Alaska's Representatives, Senators, and other elected officials in Alaska. I agree that we need to find ways to increase domestic oil production in an environmentally responsible manner.
Please know that I appreciate both your interest and your time in contacting us on this issue. As the discussion and debate moves forward on this and other issues please feel free to visit our website at www.house.gov/blackburn where you can sign-up for our email update -- the Blackburn Report, updates on important issues; find information on constituent services; read columns, recent press and the latest legislative news; all of which affect and concern the people of Tennessee.
Marsha Blackburn
Member of Congress
Tuesday, December 4, 2007
Bill-O gone too far

Monday, December 3, 2007
More Bill-O...America is doomed!!!
Bill-O cites that 70% of Americans think the country is headed in the wrong direction (cough cough...fascism).
Pat Buchanan admits that the war is costing the U.S. too much $$$ and too many lives. Mexicans are destroying the American melting pot.
Bill-O is scared that Hillary is going to be elected. Bill Bennett (who I liked at the beginning of this debate) says he doesn't want Hillary to be president. End of my respect for Bill Bennett.
Elites, elites, elites...blah, blah, blah.
I'm agreeing with Pat Buchanan about war, economics, China, etc. I'm scared. "We need people to live in the 21st century, not the days of the Cold War"...great quote...from Pat Buchanan. Damn.
This is gonna be good...Bill-O's time to attack!!!

Trace Adkins and Glenn Beck

Fascist fight for the South

Former New York mayor Rudy Giuliani entered politics as a big-city prosecutor; Huckabee as a rural preacher. Giuliani is out of synch with the GOP's social conservative core; Huckabee is its most consistent champion. Giuliani's calling card is his leadership against terrorism in the wake of the Sept. 11 attacks; Huckabee has less experience on defense and foreign policy issues than any of his chief rivals.
The two candidacies offer dramatically different paths for a Republican Party now struggling to define and sell itself to voters. Should the GOP be led by an often-caustic, opera-loving New Yorker who vows to battle radical Islam? Or a joke-cracking southerner who raises income inequality as an issue and favors classic rock and contemporary Christian music on his two iPods? ("Modern country, too," he says.) The chasm between him and Giuliani on the issues they emphasize and the regional cultures they represent "shows that the Republican Party is a bigger tent than the Democrat Party," Huckabee says. Perhaps, but it also underscores how unsettled the Republican contest is just a month before the Iowa caucuses -- and reflects how no GOP contender has satisfied a majority of the party. Giuliani, dubbed "America's mayor" after the 9/11 attacks, supports abortion rights and gay rights, positions at odds with social conservatives. Former Massachusetts governor Mitt Romney once held similar views but now opposes abortion rights. Arizona Sen. John McCain has had trouble gaining ground among some Republicans who note his crusades on immigration and campaign-finance reform. Former Tennessee senator Fred Thompson, who presented himself as the answer for conservatives when he made a late entry into the race in September, has turned out to be a less than energetic campaigner. It's all provided an opening for Huckabee -- an ordained Baptist minister who has always opposed abortion and raised his hand at one debate to say he didn't believe in evolution -- to attempt the unprecedented. Democrats sometimes have chosen presidential candidates who emerged from obscurity; former Georgia governor Jimmy Carter in 1976, for example. But the GOP in modern times has never nominated a contender who started the race so far back in the pack. Even in Iowa, his best state among those with early contests, Huckabee was at 1 percent support among likely Republican caucusgoers this summer. Now he tops the Register poll, published Sunday, and leads Romney 29 percent-24 percent. In Florida, one statewide poll last week put Huckabee in second place, trailing only Giuliani, for its Jan. 29 primary. In South Carolina, which votes Jan. 19, the latest survey shows him running third, behind Romney and Giuliani and ahead of fellow southerner Thompson.