Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Y V. N on CBS

CBS's Early Show this morning, featuring our good ol' Repub Marsha Blackburn (TN-07) vs. Democrat Jim Moran (VA-08) on the House bail-out vote. The fun starts around minute 2:40...

I love Marsha's interjection around minute 5:20 telling Rep. Moran that "this is not a partisan issue." If you haven't already, scroll down and read her explanation of her nay vote from yesterday...aka one of her many love letters to right-wing conservatives and Senator McCain.

Moran telling Marsha that they should've done "the other things they could do" this past week is pretty funny too. I'm assuming Congressman Blackburn is referring to those groundbreaking ideas of hers like eliminating the capital gains tax and "across-the-board-except-military" spending cuts.