Saturday, October 25, 2008

TN Election's what you'd expect

From "that" far-left blog...

TN-Pres: Worse than Kerry

Research 2000 for Daily Kos. 10/21-22. Likely voters. MoE 4% (No trend lines)

McCain (R) 54
Obama (D) 38

In 2004, Bush won the state 57-43, meaning that Tennessee might be one of small handful of states that actually trend more Republican than the other way around.

Most of you don't know it, but there's actually a Senate race in Tennessee this year. There's not much to see -- Lamar! leads Democrat Bob Tuke 59-37 in this poll. Like much of the Southern polling we've done, African American respondents report abnormally high "undecided" numbers. It's more of that reverse Bradley effect we've been seeing, with a higher portion of black voters refusing to tell pollsters who they support. Accounting for that, it looks like both top-of-ticket Dems are at their party's absolute floor -- about 40 percent.

Let's chalk up Tennessee as a long-term project.
Obviously TN Kos readers love them some Marsha...this is a comment re: Rep. Lincoln Davis (TN-04)/TN's political spectrum...

I swear to G-d, the only D position he possibly holds is pro labor.
But when Marsha Blackburn represents the right, the middle ends up being........ way over there somewhere.

Although I'd like Congressman Davis to move a little further away from Blackburn, I do like this clip of his..."Why I'm a Democrat"...