Friday, November 7, 2008

Marsha Blackburn on the future of right-wing politics in America

Congressman Marsha's op-ed from RCP is getting attention! I stumbled across it on some blog from Kansas, and of course among the usual crazies in TN.

I must say, in the clip from MSNBC below, MB makes sense... and she didn't even have to use phrases like "liberal elite" or "latte-sipping- *insert-some-noun-trying-to-make-yourself-sound-like-you're-not-from-Brentwood*."

I'm sure everyone knows what I'm gonna say next, including Congressman Marsha. These might have just been random names she threw out, but...

Fred Thompson?!!!! John McCain?!!!! How did the message go from new blood to two of the oldest Republicans alive?

That's all I'm gonna say about that. Even I know that Rep. Blackburn is smarter than to believe these two guys are the future of the right-wing. I know there is no such thing as "new" conservative ideas, but there has got to be at least one or two Republicans who aren't old as dirt or complete morons.

But I will say this... everyone knows that Sarah Palin is, in fact, a complete moron. I believe Marsha used the word "bases" when she spoke of Palin's rallying capabilities. No, no, Congressman... she rallied ONE base: fellow morons.